Advanced Key Accounts Certificate Program

Discover how to build, launch, and maintain a successful key accounts program.


Electricity industry changes are causing many large commercial and industrial consumers to consider modifying their operations; customers may relocate, switch from electricity to gas for industrial processes, or add their own generation. Public power utilities need to stay ahead of these decisions and position themselves as customized service providers for key account customers.

This program describes how to implement a successful key accounts program, including: developing a clear and concise plan of action, assuring adequate resources, obtaining leadership and business community support, and establishing a commitment to maintaining the program. Learn why key accounts are important and how to successfully engage these customers and build programs around their needs, while also focusing on meeting the current strategic needs of the utility.

Program Description

The purpose of this program is to explore advanced level techniques and best practices so that key account programs and account executives may enhance and update their programs for long term success.

The program health assessment provides feedback on areas of improvement within existing programs and provides a customized priority of work to update and elevate key account programs so that utilities may best serve their business communities.

This program will assist account executives in overcoming pain points by providing an action plan to overcome specific obstacles and fill in gaps in program execution. This will be accomplished by updating existing program plans by leveraging new techniques and fresh best practices.

Join the program to learn from real-world examples, practice skills, and network with public power peers from across the nation.

Program Requirements

To earn this certificate, participants must complete the following requirements within one year:

• Complete the four chapters within online curriculum

• Pass the online exam

• Submit a key accounts program plan

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Erick Rheam
Erick Rheam

Erick is a consultant, speaker, and author on key accounts and human dynamics. He co-authored the Association’s Key Accounts Field Manual: A Guide for Public Power Professionals and authored the Advanced Key Accounts Field Manual: A Guide for Next-Level Service. He has been involved in public power for 23 years. He worked as a key accounts manager and customer relations division manager for public power utilities in Indiana and Colorado, managing industrial pretreatment, key accounts, mid-market accounts, conservation, and marketing programs. He educates, trains, and inspires utility professionals on the art of key accounts program development and mastering human dynamics.